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Hollywood Casino Online

The mobile experience has proven good enough, based on our criteria. We were able to play most casino games, and switching between them was easy enough. During our mobile sessions, we were able to make deposits, request cashouts, and claim bonuses. All in all, there is nothing that you can’t do on mobile.

There are many fun aspects of Hollywood online casino to cover – the games, bonuses, mobile app, etc. But there are other factors that also need our attention. With that in mind, it’s time take a look behind the scenes.

Aside from the expected video slots, you’ll also find a number of progressive jackpots. Like with everything else, their number is small – we counted around 10 in total. The size of the jackpots vary, usually between $5000 and $250,000. Some games are linked together in the same prize pool, while others offer stand-alone jackpots.

Hollywood Casino received its license from the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (PGCB) in 2019. In fact, it was one of the first online casinos to launch in the Keystone State after PA legalized online gambling. As it is owned by one of the most trusted gambling operators in the US, you know the casino runs tight ship regarding player safety and security.

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